Tarikh an Nawayat

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Tarikh an Nawayat is an amazing history of the Nawayat tribe / families, who have an interesting checquered history. Several families who identified as Nawayat migrated to and settled down in India during the periods of the Salateen and the Mughals, and played an important role as key members of the elite in different kingdoms and principalities.

Nawaz Aziz Jung’s research goes into the genealogy of these people, their history, traditions, and culture. A substantial portion of the book lists out 225 eminent Nawayat individuals and provides their brief biographies along with their achievements. The book also gives a list of key surnames used by various Nawayat families. Nawab Aziz Jung has also provided his own biography and details of his family in the book.

It is a must read for any scholar wishing to do research on the Nawayats.

The book was published in the year 1322 AH / 1904 CE.