
Part I (English translation)
Part II (English translation)
Click here to download Part I (English translation) of the book in PDF format.
Click here to download Part II (English translation) of the book in PDF format.
Tuzak-i-Wallajahi was originally written in Persian by Burhan Ibn Hasan in
Tuzak-i-Walajahi is a history of the Carnatic especially of the time of Nawwab Anwaru’d-Din Khan Bahadur who was martyred on the battlefield against the French colonialists in 1152 A.H. (1749 CE) and of his son and successor Nawwab Muhammad Ali Walajah who ruled over the Carnatic from 1162 A.H. to 1210 A.H. (1749-1795 CE). It ends with the capture of Pondicherry.
The Nawwabs of the Carnatic are also known as the Nawwabs of Arcot. They ruled over southern India in the territories south of Hyderabad along the coast of the Bay of Bengal.
The book Tuzak-i-Wallajahi was originally written in Persian by Burhan Ibn Hasan in 1195 A.H. (1781 CE). It was translated into English in two parts by Muhammad Husayn Nainar in 1934 (Part I) and 1939 (Part II).