
Author : Abu Zafar Moeeduddin Hasan Khan

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Shajrah-e-Hasan is an amazing document which was never published. The original manuscript of this document is in the possession of the grandchildren of the author.

Abu Zafar Moeeduddin Hasan Khan wrote this extremely well researched document over a period of decades, starting to work on it in the 1920s. Throughout the document, he has given extensive footnotes with references from works which are no longer available to us. These works were either manuscripts or published books which have been out of print for more than a century.

He traces the lineage back to Hz. Umar Farooq (the second khalifa), and provides the genealogy of the Nawabs of Arcot starting with Nawab Anwaruddin Khan shaheed (d.1759). Moeeduddin Khan belongs to the same greater family (khandan). He also provides short biographical notes of several key individuals in the footnotes.

This is a gem of a work which is a must for any student of the history of the Carnatic / Nawabs of Arcot.