
Part I (English translation)
Part II (English translation)
Click here to download Part I (English translation) of the book.
Click here to download Part II (English translation) of the book.
Sawanih-i-Mumtaz continues with the history of the Nawwabs of the Carnatic (Arcot) where the book Tuzak-i-Wallajahi ended. This Persian manuscript gives us a detailed history of the reign of Ghulam Husayn Umdatu’l-Umara Bahadur Nawwab Walajah II (1795-1801 A.D.) with an account of the last years of the reign of his father, Muhammad Ali Nawwab Walajah I, together with a summary of the events in the reigns of Umdatul-Umara Bahadur’s successors, Azimud-Dawla Bahadur Nawwab Walajah III, A`zam Jah Bahadur Nawwab Walajah IV, and Ghulam Muhammad Ghawth Khan Bahadur Nawwab Walajah V.
The author of this manuscript is Muhammad Karim Khayrud-Din Hasan Ghulam Zamin, son of Iftikharud-Dawla Hafiz Muhammad Nasir Khan Bahadur Samsam Jang and a grandson of Muhammad Ali Nawwab Walajah I. He was born in 1194 A.H. (1780 A.D.), received the titles Sahibud-Dawla Jaladat Jang in 1210 A.H., Khurshid-ul-Mulk in 1231 A.H., and Iftikharud-Dawla Muhammad Nasir Khan Bahadur Samsam Jang on his father’s death in 1236 A.H. (1820 A.D.). He completed writing this book in Persian in the year 1252 A.H. (1837 CE).
The book was translated into English in two part by Muhammad Husayn Nainar in 1940 (Part I) and 1944 (Part II).