Bahar-i-Azam Jahi

Bahar-i-Azam Jahi
by Ghulam Abdul Qadir Nazir

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Bahar-i-Azam Jahi is an account of different facets of the rule of Azam Jah Bahadur Nawwab Walajah IV, nawwab of Arcot. It describes his travels and pilgrimage to Nagur, Dar-un-Nasr (Trichinopoly), Dar-un-Nur Muhammadpur (Arcot) and dar-ul-amara in Madras. The book has interesting details of the lifestyle, living standards, and civilization of the South Indian people.

The book was written originally in Persian by Ghulam Abdul Qadir Nazir in November 1823. It was translated into English by Muhammad Husayn Nainar in 1950.