The Canadian Sufi Saint
Sufi orders and thought can be traced back to the very first century after the advent of Prophet Muhammadﷺ. Over the centuries, Sufism (tasawwuf) evolved into a mass movement in the form of different orders (tarīqah) which claimed direct chain through successive teachers and masters back to the Prophetﷺ. Being very much a part of mainstream Islam, sufis aim to seek the ultimate reality of God through the inner dimension, abstaining from worldly desires and promoting intense love for the Prophetﷺ. The sufi masters (pīr-o-murshad) guide their disciples through rituals, incantations and practices that fulfill these objectives.
Qazi Ahmed Bashiruddin Farooqui was born into a family that was deeply entrenched into Sufi practices while remaining within the bounds of the teachings of the Qur’an, Hadith and Shari`ah. Seeking to be a murid of a famous sufi of Hyderabad Deccan at a very early age, Qazi sb developed his spiritual inclinations over the decades to become a sufi master and guide in Canada. Hundreds of people became his followers and admirers, and sought his guidance in their own path. In parallel, Qazi sb saw the political upheavals of the twentieth century and was involved with pan-Islamic movements and particularly Motamar-e-Alam-e-Islami. Over the decades, he developed strong friendship and bonds with numerous heads of state, politicians, national and religious leaders to seek peace and harmony in the world.
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